Supporting Underrepresented Groups at the Undergraduate Level

Philadelphia, PA
Presentation Slides

This talk was the first of a minisymposium I organized at the SIAM ED16 Conference (SIAM's Applied Math Education Activity Group's first conference). The minisymposium was titled "Increasing Diversity and Inclusion in Mathematics: Some Inspiring Initiatives".

This talk gave a brief overview of initiatives and funding opportunities that aim to increase participation of minorities in mathematics, at all levels, in and out of the classroom or school. I then described numerous projects undertaken in the Mathematics Department at Harvard University, some big but most small. This is in a way a call to action: start with something small, find allies in your department, and grow from there. Hosting a diversity training and starting a reading and discussion group on issues of inclusion and diversity is what led us to take action. Slides are attached.

More information on the minisymposium, abstracts and speakers.