AT Virology Lab


     AT Virology Lab

     About Us




The AT Lab is a virology research lab and is part of Mahidol University's department of Microbiology, under the Faculty of Science. Our lab is headed by Assoc. Prof. Arunee Thitithanyanont and our research centers on viral pathogenesis and virus-host interactions. Our expertise, accompanied by our BSL3 facility, enables us to investigate pandemic-causing viruses that include HIV, Avian Influenza (H5N1), and SARS-CoV-2, particularly to improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved during viral infections, which allows the development of strategies that help combat them.

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Behind Our Science


The founding of our lab is concurrent to the establishment of a BSL-3 lab in Mahidol University's Department of Microbiology. This was driven by our PI's mission to leverage basic research to address diseases caused by microbial pathogens that are otherwise challenging to study without a proper facility. Her experiences serve as the guiding principles for our work.

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Our understanding of the complex nature of our relationship with viruses remain lacking. In response to the necessity for therapeutic strategies against pandemic-causing viruses, studies in our lab provide a better understanding of viral pathogenesis that lay the foundation for improved disease diagnosis, better mitigation strategies and drug and vaccine development. The mission of our lab is to develop virus infection models, serological assays and viral discovery platforms; and utilize them in a vast array of applications including drug testing, vaccine development and disease surveillance.


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Researcher Highlights

Natali Ludowyke
June 2022 - Having just graduated in her PhD program in Microbiology, Natali is currently working as a post-doc researcher in the AT lab. She recently published a paper about her work with using a next-generation sequencing platform for viral discovery.

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